Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog Assignment #2: Plato's Cave or the Trick's On Us?

Have all the critics completely missed the point of this film, or has Woody Allen been swallowed by Hollywood?

Group Two: Due by Friday at 3:00 pm

According to Braudy, the "illusion of reality" depends on our belief in the reality created by the filmmaker. He suggests that the spectator returns to an infantile state of naive belief when watching film. If this is Woody Allen's purpose in Midnight in Paris, then we can just take the film at face value and be "entertained." However, when examining the ironies within Allen's film, it appears that this particular film is more complicated than it first appears. Using the "moment" approach, pick one moment from the film that stood out to you to discuss this question: Do you believe that Allen is suggesting that we embrace the illusion of Hollywood filmmaking, or that we should question the subversive illusions presented within even the most banal films?

Group One (due Sunday by noon):

After group two has posted their entries, your job will be to play devil's advocate. Choose one post to address; read it, asking yourself, "What is s/he not considering here?" Your post will not be on your own blog, but in the comments section of the person to whom you are responding. Posit a counter-argument, using either the film or something we have read for class to support your point. Add your name or initials to the bottom of your comment so I will know who posted it.

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