For this blog assignment, you will post a partial outline for essay #1. Keep in mind that this is a working outline and is in no way set in stone. As you begin developing your claims, they are likely to change, which is a legitimate part of the writing process. But, you have to begin somewhere, and an outline is a good place to start. Please post the following elements:
(1) Main Argument [complete sentence(s)]
(2) Claim #1 [complete sentence(s)]
(3) Support for Claim #1 (ex: Tom Gunning quote)
(4) Claim #2 [complete sentence(s)]
(5) Support for Claim #2
(6) Claim #3 [complete sentence(s)]
(7) Support for Claim #3
**Remember, your argument should be an "umbrella statement," meaning that it should cover EVERYTHING your essay discusses. In addition, each claim should be a smaller, more specific part of your overall argument.
Post MUST be live by 3:00 pm on Friday February 17th for both Group 1 and Group 2.
**If you would like to run additional elements by me (how you plan on answering the "So what?" Question, for example) feel free to include them in your outline and I will respond to all elements posted.
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