Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blog Assignment #1: Godard on Film

Group One (due Friday by 3:00 pm):

Using the "moment" approach, pick one moment from the film that stood out to you to discuss this question: According to the techniques used in this moment, what do you think Godard believes film should be? Analyze the moment chosen to support your claim. Post MUST be 300 words minimum.

Group Two (due Sunday by noon):

After group one has posted their entries, your job will be to play devil's advocate. Choose one post to address; read it, asking yourself, "What is s/he not considering here?" Your post will not be on your own blog, but in the comments section of the person to whom you are responding. Posit a counter-argument, using either the film or something we have read for class to support your point. Add your name or initials to the bottom of your comment so I will know who posted it.

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