In class, we discussed the three major questions explored by film scholars:
1. What is film? (theory)
2. What has film been? (historicism) or What has film language been? (semiotics)
3. What is the significance of this film and its relationship to others? (criticism)
Choose one of the above questions, title your blog accordingly so we all know which one you chose, and briefly describe how you think Christopher Nolan's The Prestige (2006) contributes to your thinking re: the question at hand.
We also discussed the different approaches that attempt to answer the three questions. Discuss ONE thing you noticed about the film that one of these approaches would explore. For example, if you choose a Marxist approach, you could discuss a particular scene which speaks to the class structure of Western societies. OR, if you choose a historical approach, you might discuss how magicians have been represented on screen in the past and what Nolan's representation suggests about contemporary cinema.
Group ONE: 300 words minimum; due Friday by 3:00 pm.
Group TWO: Respond to (agree or disagree with) someone's post using a DIFFERENT moment from the film to either build on or contradict the position presented, 300 words minimum, due Sunday by noon.
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